Welcome to the photo journal of Katie and Eric, who are currently running their heedless way through the house high hay somewhere in Ontario.

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15 July 2009

Les toros d'Aimargues

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Carole said...

was this in France??????????? I always think of Spain for bullfighting! Yuck.

Mary said...

what the heck? Haha where is this?

monsieur dé said...

This was in Camargues region in the south of France, where bulls are apparently a big part of the local culture. Unlike in Spain, these bulls weren't killed, and neither were any people. These shots are of a game in an arena, the goal being to collect pieces of string that have been loosely tied to the bulls horns.

Carole said...

That's Ok then, Have you seen any pink flamingoes yet?

Katie said...

Yes! How fabulous to see them in the wild.

Carole said...

pretty amazing when a whole flock (?) fly over isn't it? we holidayed down there on the coast one year and I still remember the flamingoes, quite amazing!